If you've been following Janaki and Pascal's adventures on Instagram (@lemarchestgeorge + @janakilarsen), you will have, undoubtedly, seen little snippets of what is to arrive at our shop when they return.
Perhaps what I am most excited about is the arrival of traditional Mexican hot chocolate. Joaquinita Chocolate has been making this traditional sweet drink since 1898, and are famous throughout the state of Michoacan. These dark chocolate tablets are typically blended into warm milk with a molinillo, a traditional wooden utensil that somewhat resembles a hand whisk. It is made from a single piece of wood with loose rings that spin when you rub the handle back and forth between your palms. The rings emulsify the chocolate with the milk, giving it a slight froth, ensuring that the chocolate is incorporated properly into the milk.
Though there aren't any signs of it yet, Autumn is on its way, and the arrival of these tablets into our shop will make a great addition with the rainy days that are to come.
Lola demonstrating the use of the molinillo to incorporate the disk of chocolate into the milk. Note the use of her palms...
Just a little taste test...
We hope to fall into a chocolate-induced siesta soon enough!
Photographs: Janaki Larsen
Story: Issha Marie