Wool Collection F/W 2011

Pillows | $55.00

Shawls | $65.00

Throws | $85.00

Hand-Loomed Scarves | $99.00

Blankets | $85.00

Leather Blanket Belt | $15.00

This collection is comprised of unbleached, unaltered, and undyed materials. The wool natural raw color palettes is, therefore, highlighted in each piece. More information about the products can be found here

Photography | Klee Larsen

Mexican Shawls

Our shop is now stocking these amazing hand-loomed shawls imported from Oaxaca mexico ($65.00). The shawls are perfect for wrapping yourself and having a hot beverage in this undecided fall, yet brisk, weather Vancouver is offering. This look is very close to the one being created by the beautiful women of our neighbourhood with our Pestemal Turkish Towels, which we mentioned in an earlier post here.

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon
Styling | Patricia Larsen

Fall Is Coming

We are currently stocking these wonderful wool throws from Mexico ($95.00). But more importantly we are excited for the autumn and introducing our new aesthetic/color palette. I've had the pleasure of working with Patricia Larsen (Janaki & Klee's mother) and together we've been photographing and styling our little hearts out. She's such an inspiration. Above we've presented a couple ways for you to incorporate the wool throws in your home for that dishevelled look.

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon
Styling | Patricia Larsen

Isabelle Dunlop Blankets

A beautiful product always seems to be more lovely when made it's locally. The reason for this escapes me, but I'm sure it has something to do with pride. These wonderful blankets by Isabelle Dunlop, a local Vancouver fashion designer, for example, are exactly what I'm referring to. Isabelle has wonderful passion for wool that rivals Janaki's for linen (see this), and it shows in her products. The latest collection of blankets available at Le Marché St. George are made from Shetland wool. Janaki's beautiful baby girl, Lola, owns the grey one pictured on the bottom right. In a perfect world, I would have been able to capture her wrapped up in her warm grey blanket. But even though it didn't happen today, I'm sure an an opportunity in the not so distant future will present itself as little ones always seem to need an afternoon nap.

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon


Here at Le Marché St. George it becomes quite clear quite quickly that Janaki has a not so subtle infatuation with her linens. Now this isn't any sort of criticism. I personally think that our shop is better for it; the linens you see through out and for sale at the shop come from a small family-run linen mill originating in Eastern Europe. After attending design school in London, the daughter of our linen manufacturer decided on promoting her country's rich but sadly forgotten art of linen making. We currently stocking her family's table cloths ($119.00-$146.00), runners ($32.50), towels ($ 49.95), shower glove ($14.95), napkins (Set of four $45.00) & dish towels ($29.95).

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon

Pestemal Turkish Towels

Le Marché St. George is now offering hand-loomed Pestemal Turkish Towels imported directly from Istanbul (Turkey). These beautiful towels are made traditionally on a turkish loom, some with organic cotton, while others have been washed in olive oil soap making them softer to the touch and wonderfully fragrant. The ladies of the neighbourhood have been donning them as makeshift shawls and look brilliant. They are versatile, attractive and we guarantee you will fall in love as we have.

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon