Menu Inspiration: Rosemary White Bean Soup

One of the perks of this job is being around Janaki's cooking. Over the span of our work relationship I've had the privilege of being served food that would make anyone with a heart smile. On today's lunch menu was a rosemary white bean soup with Polderside Farms duck prosciutto and the simple combination of morning-fresh baguette drizzled with olive oil. It's no secret that the star of this dish was the prosciutto, but it would be criminal to forget about the white beans. The particular brand that was used is a French company, Sabarot. They are one of the oldest dry goods companies that specializes in various legumes that grow in specific regions of the country. The rosemary pictured above really elevated the complexity of flavours in the dish. Janaki actually poached the rosemary from a burnt-down and abandoned ex-grow-op house. I guess every neighbourhood has its flaws, but at least ours supplies us with an abundance of this tasty herb.

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon