An Evening Of...

We held a fundraiser for The Little Mountain Playground this past Saturday and the turn-out was absolutely spectacular! We thank everyone who came out to support the fundraiser; it truly was a beautiful Summer Solstice Eve.

Special thanks go out to all those who donated their time, energy, and resources to make this evening possible, and to our hardworking staff, who worked incredibly hard to make sure this evening ran smoothly.

To find out more about the playground, or to donate, visit People Power for Playgrounds.


Photographs: Kate Fearnall

When Life Hands you Lemons...

May 30, 2015: Some of the neighbourhood kids organized a lemonade stand by the sidewalk adjacent to our shop to help raise funds for the Little Mountain Playground. The lemonade was a huge hit, and in the two hours that the stand was up, the kids were able to raise just a little over $100. The price of an ice-cold glass of homemade cucumber lemonade was by donation, and it was a beautiful day for it. Passersby and customers happily sipped a glassful or two on that particularly hot Saturday afternoon.

We are also holding a fundraiser for The Little Mountain Playground in the form of an elegant evening filled with local wines, oysters, and grilled sausages. Details and a link to the tickets can be purchased here.


After about an hour, the kids ran off to play 'hospital' in lieu of watching over the stand, so the adults (including myself) took over and jokingly tried to upsell the lemonade with promises of spiking the refreshing concoction with tequila... which, of course, we eventually did --- but for ourselves, not for the customers (stand down, City of Vancouver!).

Because, hey... when the kids hand you a lemonade stand... well... you know how it goes! ;-)

Photographs: Issha Marie